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Embracing the Ebbs and Flows

There’s a sacred space we enter when we look failure square in the eyes and choose to keep going. Life has a way of bringing us to moments where we feel defeated, exhausted, and unsure. But within every failure, there’s also a lesson — a moment to reflect, realign, and reignite that passion buried deep within. I’ve walked this journey, and perhaps like you, I’ve fallen more times than I can count. But what I’ve learned is this: failure isn’t final, and it’s not a reflection of your worth — it’s just a part of your process.

The ebbs and flows of life are constant reminders that we’re not in control of everything. There will be times when things feel like they’re falling apart, but in those moments, God is working on something deep within us. He’s creating space for what’s next — for the desires He’s placed in our hearts, the things that tug at our souls. Daily Faith Work was one of those things for me.

Creating Daily Faith Work wasn’t something I woke up one day and decided to do because I had it all figured out. No, it was birthed in a season of personal failure, doubt, and questioning. I was navigating my own ebbs and flows — balancing my career, family, and the weight of my own dreams.

There was always something that tugged at my soul, whispering, "What if you could create something that would not only heal you but heal others too?"

And that whisper grew louder. I’d be lying if I said it was easy. There were countless late nights, early mornings, and moments where I questioned whether I was even capable of making it happen. But in the middle of the chaos, God showed me something powerful: even in the uncertainty, I had everything I needed within me to begin.

If you’ve ever been in a place where your dreams seem bigger than your reality, let me tell you this — keep going. There will be detours, setbacks, and moments where the plan seems unclear, but don’t let that stop you from pressing into the work that’s been placed in your heart. Because what you’re birthing through your obedience will bless someone else.

I’ll never forget the day Daily Faith Work finally came to life. What started as a small idea grew into something so much more than I imagined. Seeing it take shape, holding that first journal in my hands — I can only describe the joy as overwhelming. There’s a unique kind of beauty in watching a seed you planted in faith, water with hard work, and surrender bloom into a vision that touches others.

But here’s what I want you to understand: It’s not just about the end result. It’s about who you become on the journey. Every failure, every detour, and every moment of uncertainty refined me, strengthened my faith, and deepened my connection to my purpose. This journey wasn’t just about creating a product. It was about learning to trust the process, trusting God’s timing, and realizing that the things that tug at your soul are there for a reason.

If there’s something pulling at you, urging you to create, write, speak, or build, I want to encourage you — take the leap. Don’t wait until you feel fully prepared, because that day may never come. Your journey, your failures, and your triumphs all play a part in the bigger picture of what God is doing in your life. The ebbs and flows of life may try to sway you, but stay anchored in the faith that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion.

Daily Faith Work is more than just a journal brand. It’s a testament to what happens when you keep moving forward, even when the odds are against you. And if He can bring my dream to life, I know He can do the same for you.

Stay committed to the work. Keep showing up, and trust that every moment is leading you closer to the fulfillment of the dreams God has placed in your heart.

With faith and love,


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