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How to Hold On When Life is Falling Apart

When Faith Feels Fragile woman in garden

Life sometimes has the audacity to fall apart in the most spectacular, mind-blowing ways. The car breaks down, your boss goes into full meltdown mode, bills pile up, and if you're anything like me, you start wondering if Mercury is in retrograde—or if the universe just decided to get sassy with you today.

But here’s the truth: even in those moments when life feels like it’s in full-blown chaos, God has not forgotten about you. Your faith, though fragile, is still alive and kicking. And trust me, God can work with that. Yes, even if you're praying through gritted teeth, side-eyeing the heavens, and wondering if God left you on read.

Faith Isn’t About Perfection—It’s About Persistence

We often get this idea that our faith needs to be flawless, all wrapped up in a pretty bow, ready for Instagram with the hashtag #blessed. But let me set you free from that lie. Faith isn’t some perfect, shiny thing. It’s raw. It’s messy. Sometimes, it looks like ugly crying in your car while you whisper, “God, I don’t know how, but I need you to show up.”

That’s where the real power is. Not in having all the answers or always feeling full of joy, but in that tiny, exhausted, but very real choice to trust God anyway. It’s the “I’m holding on by a thread, Lord, but it’s still Your thread” kind of faith that moves mountains. Because faith doesn’t have to be big to be real; it just has to be present.

God isn’t asking for perfection; He’s asking for persistence. woman in garden

What to Do When Life Feels Like a Hot Mess

When everything seems to be falling apart, here are a few ways to keep that mustard-seed faith alive:

  1. Give Yourself Grace

    Be gentle with yourself. If you’re feeling weary, that doesn’t make you a bad Christian. If you’re doubting, that doesn’t mean you’re weak. If your faith feels like it's running on empty, God isn’t rolling His eyes at you. He’s right there, whispering, “I’ve got you.” You are allowed to be tired. You are allowed to cry. And you are allowed to be human.

  2. Keep Praying, Even If It’s Just a Whisper

    Prayer in hard times can feel like pushing a boulder up a hill, but here’s the thing: you don’t have to pray perfect prayers. Sometimes, all you can manage is “Help, Lord.” And you know what? That’s enough. God hears the smallest cries, the faintest whispers. Your prayers, no matter how broken or brief, move the heart of Heaven.

    Let me tell you, I’ve written many of my prayers through tears in my Daily Prayer Journal—there’s power in just getting it out. Write it, whisper it, yell it—just don’t stop talking to God.

  1. Worship Your Way Through It

    When you feel like your world is crumbling, worship will shift your perspective from your problem to your Provider. You might not feel like singing, and that’s okay. But turning your attention to who God is—especially when life doesn’t make sense—is a game changer. Whether it’s playing worship music in the background or singing through tears, worship reminds your spirit that God is bigger than whatever you’re facing.

  2. Remember: Faith Is a Journey, Not a Sprint

    One of my favorite things about God is that He is so patient with us. He knows faith is a journey. He’s not sitting there with a stopwatch, waiting for you to “get it together” in record time. Instead, He’s walking with you, cheering you on with every small step you take. And even when you trip and fall, guess what? He picks you right back up. So, when your faith feels fragile, remember that God isn’t measuring how strong you are. He’s celebrating that you’re still standing, even if it’s wobbly.

God Honors Every Act of Faith—Even the Smallest Ones

God honors even the smallest acts of faith. If all you can muster today is showing up, that’s enough. If all you have is a shaky prayer or a sigh, that’s enough. If your faith feels as tiny as a mustard seed—guess what? That’s more than enough.

God sees you in your struggle, and He loves you right there. He’s not waiting for you to be perfect, polished, or problem-free. He’s with you in the mess, in the doubt, in the tears, and in the waiting. woman in garden

Let God Surprise You in the Chaos

Family, God has a way of showing up in the least expected places. When everything is falling apart, you might just be standing on the edge of a breakthrough. So don’t give up. Keep praying, keep showing up, and keep trusting—because when faith feels fragile, God’s strength is at its most powerful.

And if you need a little help along the way? Grab a Daily Prayer Journal and start pouring out your heart. Trust me, it’s been my companion through many a hard season, and there’s something powerful about seeing your prayers on paper. Sometimes the answer doesn’t come right away, but looking back over your journey shows you that God has been with you every step of the way.

You’ve got this, and more importantly—God’s got you. Hold on, keep the faith, and watch Him work wonders in your life, one small step at a time.

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